Laurel Dawn Graff

October 17, 1971 - September 18, 2024


Obituary For Laurel Dawn Graff

Laurel “Laurie” Dawn (Phillips Vankampen) Graff

Oct. 17, 1971 – Sept. 18, 2024

"Laurie" was born on October 17, 1971 in the Canal Zone of Panama to Lee and Rebecca Phillips. Lee was born in Mexico City, while Rebecca was born in Venezuela, both to American parents. Laurie spent part of her life in Oklahoma, Oregon and California in the U.S., but most of her life in Latin America. She learned to speak Spanish at the age of 5 while living in Colombia for 4 years. Later, at the age of twelve, her family moved to Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. In her late teens, her family moved to Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico. From there she went as a single to Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico. In 2007, she married Daniel Graff and together they lived in Union de San Antonio, Jalisco, Mexico. In 2018, Laurie and her family moved to India and stayed for over 3 years.

In 2022, with plans to return to India, she was diagnosed with cancer. She spent the last 2 years in California with her family receiving treatment. On September 18, 2024, she was released to her eternal home, leaving behind her brothers Nathan and Andrew, her husband Daniel, and her three children: Priscila, Jonathan, and Abigail. She will be remembered as a loving wife, mother, sister and friend. Her humble and faithful example has inspired many, and surely her songs and worship will continue on earth as in heaven.

Laurie will be laid to rest on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 1 p.m. (Pacific Time) at the Sanger Cemetery (568 Rainbow Route, Sanger, CA 93657, U.S.A.).

Her life will be celebrated on Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 4 p.m. (Pacific Time) with food and fellowship to follow. This service will be held at One Family Church (5018 Ave 416, Reedley, CA 93654, U.S.A.).

For those who cannot physically attend either service, the following will be the virtual Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 83043216127 Passcode: 015677). For those who cannot attend neither physically nor virtually, an edited video will be uploaded to this pCloud Link.

Laurel “Laurie” Dawn (Phillips Vankampen) Graff

17 de octubre de 1971 – 18 de septiembre del 2024

Laurel nació el 17 de octubre de 1971 en la Zona del Canal de Panamá, hija de Lee y Rebecca Phillips. Lee nació en Ciudad de México, mientras que Rebecca nació en Venezuela, ambos de sus padres eran estadounidenses. Laurel pasó parte de su vida en Oklahoma, Oregón y California en los EE.UU., pero estuvo viviendo principalmente en Latinoamérica. Aprendió a hablar español a los 5 años mientras vivía en Colombia durante 4 años. Más tarde, a la edad de doce años, su familia se mudó a Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. De joven su familia se mudó a Navojoa, Sonora, México. De ahí fue como soltera a Guasave, Sinaloa. En 2007, se casó con Daniel Graff vivieron en Unión de San Antonio, Jalisco, México. En 2018, Laurel y su familia se mudaron a la India donde estuvieron por más de 3 años.

En 2022, con planes de regresar a la India, ella fue diagnosticada con cáncer. Pasó los últimos 2 años en California con su familia recibiendo tratamiento. El 18 de septiembre de 2024, fue liberada a su hogar eterno, dejando atrás a sus hermanos Nathan y Andrew, su esposo Daniel, y sus tres hijos: Priscila, Jonathan y Abigail. Ella era muy creativa y escribió muchos cantos de alabanza. Será recordada como una cariñosa esposa, madre, hermana y amiga. Su ejemplo fiel y humilde ha inspirado a muchos, y seguramente sus canciones y su adoración continuarán en la tierra como en el cielo.

Tendremos el sepelio de Laurel este jueves, 26 de septiembre del 2024 a las 1 p.m. (Hora del Pacífico) en el Cementerio de Sanger (568 Rainbow Route, Sanger, CA 93657, U.S.A.).

También tendremos una Celebración de Vida este próximo sábado, 28 de septiembre del 2024 a las 4 p.m. (Hora del Pacífico) con comida y convivo después. Este servicio se llevará a cabo en Iglesia Una Familia (5018 Ave 416, Reedley, CA 93654, U.S.A.).

Para aquellos que no puedan asistir físicamente a uno de los servicios, favor de usar el siguiente enlace virtual de Zoom (Meeting ID: 83043216127 Passcode: 015677). Para aquellos que no puedan asistir ni física ni virtualmente, se subirá un vídeo editado a este enlace de pCloud.


26 Sep

Graveside Service

01:00 PM

Sanger Cemetery 568 S Rainbow Route Sanger, CA 93657 Get Directions »
28 Sep

Celebration of life / Celebracion de Vida

04:00 PM

One Family Church(Old Windsor School) 5018 Avenue 416 Reedly, CA 93654 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant


  • September 29, 2024

    Laurel honro tu memoria aunque no te volví a ver después de nuestra etapa de adolescentes puedo imaginar la gran mujer que te convertiste siguiendo fiel a tu fe hasta el final. Mis sinceras condolencias a mi compadre Nathan y al resto de la familia. Jesus Zazueta (viejo amigo)

  • September 27, 2024

    Damos muchas gracias a Dios por la vida de nuestra amada hna. Laurel...el amor de Cristo fue derramado en su corazón...y ella llegó a hacer esa gran mujer temerosa de Dios....MUJER VIRTUOSA 💐... TE LLEVARÉ EN MI CORAZÓN....MI miga y hna. Laurel....fuiste ese gran tesoro que mi Padre me dió en los tiempos más difíciles de mi vida....(Eclesiástes 6.14-17) extrañaremos todos los que Dios nos dió el privilegio de conocerla y de tenerla entre nosotros.. Gracias mi amiga y hna... Laurel por haber caminado conmigo ,un poco de tiempo...en esta tierra... pero nos volveremos a encontrar en una eternidad con nuestro Padre, en nuestra Casa Celestial.. ....Te veo en Cielo.... siempre estarás en mi corazón.. Cómo siempre lo decíamos al final de nuestras conversaciones... Dios con nosotras🫂🤝❤️🙏

  • September 27, 2024

    Noe Guadalupe López llanes Guasave Sinaloa México Una gran mujer llena de amor y de pasión por servir a Cristo , agradezco a Dios por su vida , siempre llena de entregas a la obra, tus consejos nunca los voy a olvidar ,tus cantos, tus pinturas , y quedarán plasmados en nuestra alma , para que sigamos adelante , y llegar a la meta como lo isiste tu, has llegado a la meta , y verte ser más que vencedora , venciendo los obstáculos de la vida, y llevaré tu consejo en mi corazón de servir a Cristo , y ser un ejemplo a otros , gracias laurel por tu vida , nos compartiste un ejemplo de vida maravilloso , y nunca te olvidaremos , bendiciones para tu familia y tu esposo y tus amados hijos. Tu amigo y hermano semilla que dejaste implantada en nuestro corazón . Aquí en Guasave Sinaloa México.

  • September 27, 2024

    "I find it difficult to describe everything that has happened and the moments when you were my sister, my friend, my teacher. From a very young age, you taught me about the love of God, and even in my rebellion and many disobediences, you patiently taught me, even with your scoldings, to obey in order to worship only Him. Now I stand here because you were obedient to the Lord in having patience with me. And although I don't have a thousand answers, you taught me how to organize them and fix my gaze upon Him. These past two difficult years, even then, you kept teaching me and showing me that despite everything, our eyes, our focus, our faith must be set on the Lord. Thank you for everything, Laurie, an extraordinary woman. I celebrate your life from China."

  • September 27, 2024

    No tengo palabras para expresar el agradecimiento a la Familia Graft, grandes seres Humanos Laurel y Daniel. Agradesco a Dios por ponerlos en nuestras vidas, gracias a ellos conocí la verdad... Mi más sentido pésame para la Familia.

  • September 26, 2024

    Aún no asimiló tu partida mi corazón está devastado aunque se que están en ese lugar que tanto alabaste Ya no estás para que ores nuevamente por mi corazón como hace días tqm vuela vuela alto palomita que Dios te espera 🙏

  • September 26, 2024

    We were so blessed to know Laurie! Laurie's little brother, Andrew, came to live with us in 2005. It wasn't long before we began to hear about his sister, Laurie, and recognized that she had a profoundly special place in his heart. We will forever be thankful for her huge impact on his life, making him the amazing man he has become today! When Daniel first met Laurie in person, Andrew picked him up at the Portland airport and he stayed at our home. During that visit, we first met Laurie. We have enjoyed every time they have come to visit since. We are so impressed with their incredible children. We treasure the beautiful "artwork" she left for us and think of her family whenever we see it. We know that Laurie will be greatly missed. She will always be remembered for her amazing kindness, compassion, cheerfulness, encouragement, and sacrifice to help others. Everyone around her knew that her first love was Jesus, and Jesus showed through her life every day. Many people's lives are different today because they knew Laurie. John & Judy Knaupp (Rickreall, OR)

  • September 26, 2024

    Familia Graff reciban nuestro Amor atraves de la distancia Que el Dios de toda consolación sea con Ustedes Gracias por su Amistad,

  • September 25, 2024

    Agradecemos a Dios por todo lo que Laurel hizo y la Bendición para nosotros y muchas más familias en el tiempo que ella estuvo compartiendo sus enseñanzas bíblicas y predicando en Guasave Sin. La recordaremos por siempre Bendiciones a su familia

  • September 25, 2024

    Mi amada amiga Lau, que tuve la bendición de conocer a los 12 años en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, agradezco a nuestro Padre Eterno el haber cruzado nuestros caminos, y haber tenido su amistad, su apoyo y sus oraciones a lo largo de mi vida, en mis momentos más difíciles, ella estuvo para mí, con un consejo, una oración. Con un amor cómo el que pide Jesús en su palabra , el que quiera ir en pos de mi, nieguese así mismo, tome su cruz cada día y sígame, Lucas 9:23 Viviendo la palabra y pensando en los demás, como lo han mencionado de una manera ejemplar. Mi corazón se duele, pero se que entró al gozo de su Señor dónde seguramente le fue dicho bien hecho Laurel entra en el gozo de tu Señor y recibirá sus coronas.

  • September 24, 2024

    Laurel sabía ser amiga a través del tiempo y la distancia, sabía hacerse presente, escuchar con atención y aún en su proceso pensar en otros, ponerse en el lugar de los demás y dar palabras de ánimo. Su vida, una vida dedicada al Señor, a su familia y a las personas. Sin pretensiones, lujos o riquezas de este mundo, con grandes tesoros en su corazón. Ganadora de almas. Dotada de varios talentos que usaba para la gloria del Señor y aún para compartir con otros. Un gran ejemplo de abnegación, obediencia a la Palabra. Aún recuerdo ver su arte en piedras, que tocaba el violín o guitarra, daba clases de inglés, cantaba para el Señor, enseñaba a otros de lo que ella tenía, en la iglesia, se daba a sí misma, buscaba unidad y tenía su mirada en las cosas que durarían para siempre. En donde estuviera, era esa sierva, esa hija de Dios. Le doy gracias al Señor por permitirme haberla conocido, ver o saber cómo su vida impactaba a muchos donde quiera que iba, poder platicar por teléfono o mensajearnos, compartir recuerdos, anécdotas de vida, testimonios, cosas cotidianas o en común, oraciones, versículos, prédicas, cantos, luchas y victorias. Fiel es el Señor, Su amor es para siempre ... un día podremos también estar allá por la eternidad.

  • September 24, 2024

    I first met Laurie (my niece)when she was only 9 months old, and even at that young age, there was a spark in her that would continue to shine throughout her life. Although we didn't see each other often during her childhood, as her parents were serving in Mexico, our paths crossed more frequently after she married and started a family of her own. What amazed me most about Laurie was her extraordinary talent. She was an outstanding pianist and guitarist, and throughout her life, she wrote and sang over 60 beautiful and meaningful songs in Spanish. Laurie was also a gifted artist, excelling in both drawing and painting. Charlie and I often visited people in hospitals and in their homes, and we loved bringing copies of Laurie's painted pictures, which included Bible verses. The patients were always touched by them, and her artwork truly brought a sense of peace and comfort. I was also deeply moved by the special bond Laurie shared with her brothers. They were close-knit, always supporting one another. One of the most touching examples of this was when her youngest brother, Andrew, drove a piano all the way from Oregon to Mexico, knowing what a delight it would bring to Laurie. That gesture showed the love and understanding they shared as siblings. I also loved how God brought Daniel into Laurie's life. They worked together so seamlessly, complementing each other's strengths and passions. They were so immersed in the Mexican culture that they spoke Spanish 24/7, even at home. It was Grandpa Graff who ended up teaching the kids English over the phone! Despite the distance between family members, Laurie was always quick to offer her help. I was particularly touched by how she dropped everything to be with her mother when she was ill, even though they were in different countries. One of the greatest joys was watching Laurie in action with her family. She passed on her love for music, teaching her daughter Priscilla to play the piano, guitar, and to sing. It was clear that the same artistic and musical spirit lived on in her daughter, a legacy that will surely continue. During Laurie's illness, the overwhelming number of visitors who came to support her and the Graff family was a testament to how deeply she was loved by so many. Laurie's life was a living example of grace and strength, even in the face of tremendous challenges. Despite enduring difficult experiences that could have left her bitter, I never saw that in her. Instead, she lived each day with purpose, embracing life with a remarkable faith. Laurie's life serves as a beautiful reminder of the difference God can make in someone's heart. She was an inspiration to all of us, and her legacy will continue to live on in the lives she touched through her music, art, and unwavering spirit. In loving memory, Uncle Charlie and Aunt Sylvia Walters

  • September 24, 2024

    L - Likeable, she was to easy to like A - Amiga, podía compartir mis sentimientos con ella U - Understanding, she liked to listen and feel the needs of others R - Reservada, fue muy cuidadosa con lo que decía E - Energética, she was always full of energy L - Loveable, she made herself easy to love D - Determined, she did difficult things even when single A - Abnegada, ella siempre ponía a otros primero W - Willing, she was willing to do even difficult things N - Nice, she was nice to everybody P - Productive, she was always doing something useful H - Homey, she liked being a house-wife I - Intellectual, she was very discerning and understanding L - Loving, she showed so much love L - Learner, she learned so many practical things I - Interest, she showed true interest in others P - Perseverant, she would continue through with things S - Sencilla, se contentaba con lo que ella tenía Shortened version of thoughts from my journal to her in 2019

  • September 24, 2024

    ¡Gloria a Dios por la vida de Laurel! Fue una vida bien vivida, con una entrega completa y ejemplar a su Señor. Cuánto me enseñó: siempre dispuesta a escuchar y a servir sin importar su situación, contestando mensajes interminables, valorando la vida y el trabajo de los demás, jamás siendo presuntuosa, mostrando la gracia de Dios en medio de sus aciertos y sus luchas... y así podría continuar con la lista. Mi corazón se duele por su partida, pero también me gozo porque sé que ahora es libre del dolor y está disfrutando, de manera plena, del inmenso amor de nuestro Salvador. Adriana Merino

  • September 24, 2024

    I first met Laurie (my niece)when she was only 9 months old, and even at that young age, there was a spark in her that would continue to shine throughout her life. Although we didn't see each other often during her childhood, as her parents were missionaries in Mexico, our paths crossed more frequently after she married and started a family of her own. What amazed me most about Laurie was her extraordinary talent. She was an outstanding pianist and guitarist, and throughout her life, she wrote and sang over 60 beautiful and meaningful songs in Spanish. Laurie was also a gifted artist, excelling in both drawing and painting. Charlie and I often visited people in hospitals and in their homes, and we loved bringing copies of Laurie's painted pictures, which included Bible verses. The patients were always touched by them, and her artwork truly brought a sense of peace and comfort. I was also deeply moved by the special bond Laurie shared with her brothers. They were close-knit, always supporting one another. One of the most touching examples of this was when her youngest brother, Andrew, drove a piano all the way from Oregon to Mexico, knowing what a delight it would bring to Laurie. That gesture showed the love and understanding they shared as siblings. I also loved how God brought Daniel into Laurie's life. They worked together so seamlessly, complementing each other's strengths and passions. They were so immersed in the Mexican culture that they spoke Spanish 24/7, even at home. It was Grandpa Graff who ended up teaching the kids English over the phone! Despite the distance between family members, Laurie was always quick to offer her help. I was particularly touched by how she dropped everything to be with her mother when she was ill, even though they were in different countries. One of the greatest joys was watching Laurie in action with her family. She passed on her love for music, teaching her daughter Priscilla to play the piano, guitar, and to sing. It was clear that the same artistic and musical spirit lived on in her daughter, a legacy that will surely continue. During Laurie's illness, the overwhelming number of visitors who came to support her and the Graff family was a testament to how deeply she was loved by so many. Laurie's life was a living example of grace and strength, even in the face of tremendous challenges. Despite enduring difficult experiences that could have left her bitter, I never saw that in her. Instead, she lived each day with purpose, embracing life with a remarkable faith. Laurie's life serves as a beautiful reminder of the difference God can make in someone's heart. She was an inspiration to all of us, and her legacy will continue to live on in the lives she touched through her music, art, and unwavering spirit. In loving memory, Uncle Charlie and Aunt Sylvia (VanKampen)

  • September 24, 2024

    Siempre ocupará un lugar muy especial en mi vida, será siempre un ejemplo para todos los que tuvimos la dicha de compartir tiempo con ella. No alcanzarían las palabras y el espacio para todos los sentimientos y memorias a su lado pero doy muchas gracias a Dios por su vida, su cariño y por ese corazón tan grande que impactó mi vida y me enseñó como buscar y adorar a nuestro Dios. Honro su vida la que siempre brilló con más fuerza que un millón de soles. Hasta pronto Laurel! Roberto Ibarra

  • September 24, 2024

    Gracias por ser una gran amiga y hermana en Jesús, dejaste en Navojoa una huella digna de seguir en todos los que te conocimos. Tu Fe y obediencia hacia Dios y su Palabra no tuvieron límites.....Te admiro Laurel !!! Nos veremos en la mañana gloriosa de la resurrección. Tere Payán.

  • September 24, 2024

    Laurie, a very dear and precious woman of God! A shepherd to so many. Laurie and I connected almost immediately. Laurie was always so easy to talk to and she was so good at checking in with me and others, even when she was in the midst of her own life challenges. She was always so caring and compassionate and a very good listener. A very gifted musician, worshiper, artist, naturalist and so much more. Her creativity was endless. I loved spending time alone with Laurie, on those rare occasions, when we had a "girls night out". She was a dear friend. She will be greatly missed!!! Karen Soikkeli ~ Sister-in- law

  • September 23, 2024

    Alabó a Dios por la vida de Laurel le recuerdo cocinando unos pancakes deliciosos y nutritivos, siempre sirviendo con gozo. Su tiempo en India y su determinación a hacer la voluntad de Dios con gozo, para mi fue admirable, donde aún a pesar de los grandes desafíos permaneció buscando diligentemente la voluntad de Dios. Los largos audio mensajes que compartimos durante al menos los últimos cinco años, los tendré siempre en mi corazón. Voy a extrañar tu siempre serena manera de hablar. Nos vemos pronto en casa de Papá, Nely Ramírez

  • September 23, 2024

    Esposa, Madre, hermana y amiga de muchos. Gracias a Dios por tu amor, dedicación, sencillez, creatividad, entrega y servicio para Él. Su ejemplo nos sigue inspirando y por supuesto que sus cantos seguirán sonando en la tierra como en el Cielo.

  • September 23, 2024

    I was so privileged to have such a thoughtful, considerate and kind sister and friend. Laurie was a support for me in difficult times... someone who accepted me and valued me no matter what happened in my life... I will always treasure the countless hours we spent talking... traveling.... working... playing music together... I will miss you. Nathan Phillips (brother)

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